Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Champion Workout Tomorrow Night is 45 minutes with a hard 2 minute interval surge every 5 minutes

Champion Running Group will meet this Thursday at 5:30pm at Ala Moana Park behind the Tennis Courst (mountainside/Diamond) for a 45 minute run that includes a 2 minute hard fartlek surge/interval every 5 minutes within the run. Thus, you should get in about five of the 2 minute hard fartlek surges. There will be one of your fellow runners helping to coach the group, either Kengo, Will, Yuko, or Satomi. My wife and I are flying out to the mainland. She is running in Grandma's Marathon! Look forward to seeing all of you next Thursday to hear race reports from Kona. I will sure tell everyone about how Polina does at Grandma's Marathon this Saturday in Minn.! God has given each and every one of you a great ability. Stay humble. Humility is not thinking less of yourself, humility is thinking of yourself less. - Coach Nate

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