Thursday, April 23, 2015

Fartlek Running Workout tonight: 1 minute hard - 1 minute jog x 40-45 min. When pain & failure occur: let go, learn from it, & let God take it

Tonight's workout is a Fartlek of 1 minute hard - 1 minute jog x 40-45 minutes totol. We will perform a dynamic warm-up with some speed before.

Thought of the day: "I regret feeling the pain of failure so keenly that I backed away
from owning it and learning from it. I could not heal and move on. I wanted
to bury it so deeply that no one would ever guess it was there-not even me."

- John Ortberg

Can you relate to the above quote? I know I can. But, when I've buried and denied pain and failure I never healed or was able to completely move on or be free of it. When pain and failure occur: let go, learn from it, and let God take away the pain

- Dr. Nate

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